Extraordinaires is the French adaptation of the English documentary series Employable Me. Narrated by Bruno Solo, the series follows the lives of people with neurological disorders in their quest to find a job suited to their specific abilities. It would be a mistake to consider neurological conditions such as autism or Tourette’s syndrome as wholly negative traits in the workplace.
We follow the journey of these extraordinary people in their search for work, and along the way we discover some unsuspected talents that can be of undoubted benefit to employers. Associations and specialists contributed throughout the investigation.
Extraordinaires is the French adaptation of the English documentary series Employable Me. Narrated by Bruno Solo, the series follows the lives of people with neurological disorders in their quest to find a job suited to their specific abilities. It would be a mistake to consider neurological conditions such as autism or Tourette’s syndrome as wholly negative traits in the workplace.
We follow the journey of these extraordinary people in their search for work, and along the way we discover some unsuspected talents that can be of undoubted benefit to employers. Associations and specialists contributed throughout the investigation.
Extraordinaires is the French adaptation of the English documentary series Employable Me. Narrated by Bruno Solo, the series follows the lives of people with neurological disorders in their quest to find a job suited to their specific abilities. It would be a mistake to consider neurological conditions such as autism or Tourette’s syndrome as wholly negative traits in the workplace.
We follow the journey of these extraordinary people in their search for work, and along the way we discover some unsuspected talents that can be of undoubted benefit to employers. Associations and specialists contributed throughout the investigation.